In Part 1 of this series, I created a basic class that would find differences between two versions of the same list. I’ve made some improvements to the original implementation that I’d like to share.
To begin with, I read this post on the difference between the Any() and Count() extension methods. While List<T> does implement ICollection, I wanted to change the structure of DiffResult<T> so that if I decide to change the datatype of Additions, Deletions, and Modifications, the IsEmpty property will be more efficient. To that end, I changed IsEmpty as follows:
public bool IsEmpty { get { return !this.HasChanges; } } public bool HasChanges { get { return this.Additions.Any() || this.Deletions.Any() || this.Modifications.Any(); } }
The next thing I wanted to be able to do is automatically synchronize changes from the newlist back to the oldlist. Here is the unit test:
[Test] public void ResolveChangesBetweenTwoLists() { // Arrange: Declare any variables or set up any conditions // required by your test. var newVersion = new List<Entity>(); var oldVersion = new List<Entity>(); var identityComparer = new EntityIdentityComparer(); var modificationComparer = new EntityEqualityComparer(); var diff = new Diff<Entity>(identityComparer, modificationComparer); newVersion.Add(new Entity() { Id = 1, Name = "One"}); // addition newVersion.Add(new Entity() {Id =2, Name="2"}); // modification oldVersion.Add(new Entity() { Id = 2, Name = "Two"}); // modification oldVersion.Add(new Entity() { Id=3, Name="Three"}); // deletion // Act: Perform the activity under test. diff.Resolve(newVersion, oldVersion); var result = diff.Execute(newVersion, oldVersion); // Assert: Verify that the activity under test had the // expected results Assert.IsTrue(result.IsEmpty); // all changes should have been resolved. }
My first stab at the implementation is as follows:
public class Diff<T> { public void Resolve(IList<T> newVersion, IList<T> oldVersion) { var results = this.Execute(newVersion, oldVersion); foreach (var element in results.Deletions) oldVersion.Remove(element); foreach (var element in results.Additions) oldVersion.Add(element); foreach (var element in results.Modifications) { var keyItem = element; var item = oldVersion.First(e => _identityComparer.Equals(e, keyItem)); var index = oldVersion.IndexOf(item); oldVersion[index] = element; } }
This implementation is fine as far as it goes, but there is a drawback that I don’t like. If the user of this codes wishes to determine if there are changes prior to executing the Resolve method, s/he is required to execute it a second time during the Resolve step. I like that placing Resolve() on the Diff class provides a single-step execution, so I’m going to move the real work to the DiffResult class, but leave the Resolve method where it is. I changed the implementation of Diff.Resolve() to this:
public void Resolve(IList<T> newVersion, IList<T> oldVersion) { var results = this.Execute(newVersion, oldVersion); results.Resolve(oldVersion, this._identityComparer); }
I added DiffResult.Resolve() as follows:
public void Resolve(IList<T> oldVersion, IEqualityComparer<T> identityComparer) { this.Deletions.ForEach(e => oldVersion.Remove(e)); this.Additions.ForEach(oldVersion.Add); this.Modifications.ForEach( e => { var item = oldVersion.First(element => identityComparer.Equals(element, e)); var index = oldVersion.IndexOf(item); oldVersion[index] = e; } ); }
The updated source code for this solution can be found here.
Have you ever needed to know if the contents of a list has changed from a given snapshot? I recently decided that I would write a quick-and-dirty Diff algorithm. I started with the following test:
[Test] public void NullSet() { // Arrange: Declare any variables or set up any conditions // required by your test. var source = new List<Entity>(); var target = new List<Entity>(); // Act: Perform the activity under test. var diff = new Diff<Entity>(); // Assert: Verify that the activity under test had the // expected results var changeSet = diff.Execute(source, target); Assert.IsTrue(changeSet.IsEmpty); }
I defined <Entity> as a class with an Id and a Name. This version of the diff algorithm relied on reference comparisons to find changes between the two lists. To extend it’s functionality a bit, I decided to create an EqualityComparer to replace the reference comparison.
Here is the EqualityComparer:
public class EntityIdentityComparer : IEqualityComparer<Entity> { public bool Equals(Entity x, Entity y) { return x.Id == y.Id; } public int GetHashCode(Entity obj) { return obj.Id.GetHashCode(); } }
[Test] public void OneAddition() { // Arrange: Declare any variables or set up any conditions // required by your test. var source = new List<Entity>(); var target = new List<Entity>(); var identityComparer = new EntityIdentityComparer(); var diff = new Diff<Entity>(identityComparer); source.Add(new Entity()); // Act: Perform the activity under test. var changeSet = diff.Execute(source, target); // Assert: Verify that the activity under test had the // expected results Assert.AreEqual(1, changeSet.Additions.Count); Assert.IsFalse(changeSet.IsEmpty); }
[Test] public void OneDeletion() { // Arrange: Declare any variables or set up any conditions // required by your test. var source = new List<Entity>(); var target = new List<Entity>(); var identityComparer = new EntityIdentityComparer(); var diff = new Diff<Entity>(identityComparer); target.Add(new Entity()); // Act: Perform the activity under test. var changeSet = diff.Execute(source, target); // Assert: Verify that the activity under test had the // expected results Assert.AreEqual(1, changeSet.Deletions.Count); Assert.IsFalse(changeSet.IsEmpty); }
[Test] public void OneAdditionAndOneDeletion() { // Arrange: Declare any variables or set up any conditions // required by your test. var source = new List<Entity>(); var target = new List<Entity>(); var identityComparer = new EntityIdentityComparer(); var diff = new Diff<Entity>(identityComparer); source.Add(new Entity() { Id = 1 }); target.Add(new Entity() { Id = 2 }); // Act: Perform the activity under test. var changeSet = diff.Execute(source, target); // Assert: Verify that the activity under test had the // expected results Assert.AreEqual(1, changeSet.Additions.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, changeSet.Deletions.Count); Assert.IsFalse(changeSet.IsEmpty); }
Here is the test I wrote to detect modifications:
[Test] public void OneModification() { // Arrange: Declare any variables or set up any conditions // required by your test. var source = new List<Entity> { new Entity() { Id = 1, Name = "Test" } }; var target = new List<Entity> { new Entity() { Id = 1, Name = "Test 1" } }; var identityComparer = new EntityIdentityComparer(); var diff = new Diff<Entity>(identityComparer); // Act: Perform the activity under test. var changeSet = diff.Execute(source, target); // Assert: Verify that the activity under test had the // expected results Assert.AreEqual(0, changeSet.Additions.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, changeSet.Deletions.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, changeSet.Modifications.Count); Assert.IsFalse(changeSet.IsEmpty); }
Notice that my source and target lists have an entity that, according to the IdentityComparer, are the same entity. I need a new concept to be able to tell them apart. I need to know if two entities with the same Identity have the same values. In short, I need another EqualityComparer. This time, instead of testing for equality on the Id property, it should test for equality on all other properties. Here is the EqualityComparer:
public class EntityEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<Entity> { public bool Equals(Entity x, Entity y) { return (x.Name == y.Name); } public int GetHashCode(Entity obj) { return obj.GetHashCode(); } }
And here is the refactored modification test:
[Test] public void OneModification() { // Arrange: Declare any variables or set up any conditions // required by your test. var source = new List<Entity> {new Entity() {Id = 1, Name = "Test"}}; var target = new List<Entity> {new Entity() {Id = 1, Name = "Test 1"}}; var identityComparer = new EntityIdentityComparer(); var modificationComparer = new EntityEqualityComparer(); var diff = new Diff<Entity>(identityComparer , modificationComparer); // Act: Perform the activity under test. var changeSet = diff.Execute(source, target); // Assert: Verify that the activity under test had the // expected results Assert.AreEqual(0, changeSet.Additions.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, changeSet.Deletions.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, changeSet.Modifications.Count); Assert.IsFalse(changeSet.IsEmpty); }
Here is the definition of DiffResult:
public class DiffResult<T> { public bool IsEmpty { get { return this.Additions.Count == 0 && this.Deletions.Count == 0 && this.Modifications.Count == 0; } } private readonly List<T> _additions = new List<T>(); public List<T> Additions { get { return this._additions; } } private readonly List<T> _deletions = new List<T>(); public List<T> Deletions { get { return this._deletions; } } private readonly List<T> _modifications = new List<T>(); public List<T> Modifications { get { return this._modifications; } } }
And the implementation of Diff:
/// <summary> /// Used to find changes between two snapshots of a list. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> public class Diff<T> { /// <summary> /// Determines if two objects are supposed to be the same object. /// </summary> private readonly IEqualityComparer<T> _identityComparer; /// <summary> /// Determines if two objects have equivalent values. /// </summary> private readonly IEqualityComparer<T> _modificationComparer; /// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="identityComparer"></param> /// <param name="modificationComparer"></param> public Diff(IEqualityComparer<T> identityComparer , IEqualityComparer<T> modificationComparer) { Require.That .IsNotNull(identityComparer, "Identity comparer is required.") .IsNotNull(modificationComparer, "Modification comparer is required."); this._identityComparer = identityComparer; this._modificationComparer = modificationComparer; } /// <summary> /// Returns a changeset of the differences between the new and original versions of the list. /// </summary> /// <param name="newList">The new version of the list.</param> /// <param name="originalList">The original version of the list.</param> /// <returns></returns> public DiffResult<T> Execute(IEnumerable<T> newList , IEnumerable<T> originalList) { var result = new DiffResult<T>(); var addedItems = newList.Except(originalList, this._identityComparer) .ToList(); var deletedItems = originalList.Except(newList, this._identityComparer) .ToList(); var modifiedItems = from newElement in newList from originalElement in originalList where this._identityComparer.Equals(newElement, originalElement) && !this._modificationComparer.Equals(newElement, originalElement) select newElement; result.Modifications.AddRange(modifiedItems); result.Additions.AddRange(addedItems); result.Deletions.AddRange(deletedItems); return result; } }
You can download the solution files here.