Breaking Changes
- The ISoftDelete interface was moved out of the Isg.EntityFramework.Interceptors.SoftDelete assembly into a new package called Isg.Domain
New Features
- A new package was added for auditing fields on data models. The new package is Isg.EntityFramework.Interceptors.Auditable.
If you have a class that implements IAuditable the AuditableChangeInterceptor will use IPrincipal and IClock to assign audit fields. If you are inserting a new record, CreateUser and UpdateUser will be set to IPrincipal.Identity.Name, and CreateDate and UpdateDate will be set to IClock.Now. If you are updating an existing record, only the Update fields will be modified.
public interface IAuditable { DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } string CreateUser { get; set; } DateTime UpdateDate { get; set; } string UpdateUser { get; set; } }