Monthly Archives: April 2011
Smart Enumerations, or Using Flyweight to Beat Enums Into Submission

System.Enum is a powerful type to use in the .NET Framework. It’s best used when the list of possible states are known and are defined by the system that uses them. Enumerations are not good in any situation that requires third party extensibility. While I love enumerations, they do present some problems.

First, the code that uses them often exists in the form of switch statements that get repeated about the code base. This violation of DRY is not good.

Second, if a new value is added to the enumeration, any code that relies on the enumeration must take the new value into account. While not technically a violation of the LSP, it’s close.

Thrid, Enums are limited in what they can express. They are basically a set of named integer constants treated as a separate type. Any other data or functionality you might wish them to have has to be added on through other objects. A common requirement is to present a human-readable version of the enum field to the user, which is most often accomplished through the use of the Description Attribute. A further problem is the fact that they are often serialized as integers, which means that the textual representation has to be reproduced in whatever database, reporting tool, or other system that consumes the serialized value.

Polymorphism is always an alternative to enumerations. Polymorphism brings a problem of its own—lack of discoverability. It would be nice if we could have the power of a polymorphic type coupled with the discoverability of an enumeration.

Fortunately, we can. It’s a variation on the Flyweight pattern. I don’t think it fits the technical definition of the Flyweight pattern because it has a different purpose. Flyweight is generally employed to minimize memory usage. We’re going to use some of the mechanics of the pattern employed to a different purpose.

Consider a simple domain model with two objects: Task, and TaskState. A Task has a Name, Description, and TaskState. A TaskState has a Name, Value, and boolean method that indicates if a task can move from one state to the other. The available states are Pending, InProgress, Completed, Deferred, and Cancelled.

If we implemented this polymorphically, we’d create an abstract class or interface to represent the TaskState. Then we’d provide the various property and method implementations for each subclass. We would have to search the type system to discover which subclasses are available to represent TaskStates.

Instead, let’s create a sealed TaskState class with a defined list of static TaskState instances and a private constructor. We seal the class because our system controls the available TaskStates. We privatize the constructor because we want clients of this class to be forced to use the pre-defined static instances. Finally, we initialize the static instances in a static constructor on the class. Here’s what the code looks like:

public sealed class TaskState
    public static TaskState Pending { get; private set; }
    public static TaskState InProgress { get; private set; }
    public static TaskState Completed { get; private set;}
    public static TaskState Deferred { get; private set; }
    public static TaskState Canceled { get; private set; }

    public string Name { get; private set; }
    public string Value { get; private set; }

    private readonly List<TaskState> _transitions = new List<TaskState>();

    private TaskState AddTransition(TaskState value)
        return this;

    public bool CanTransitionTo(TaskState value)
        return this._transitions.Contains(value);

    private TaskState()

    static TaskState()

    private static void ConfigureTransitions()

    private static void BuildStates()
        Pending = new TaskState()
                          Name = "Pending",
                          Value = "Pending",
        InProgress = new TaskState()
                             Name = "In Progress",
                             Value = "InProgress",
        Completed = new TaskState()
                            Name = "Completed",
                            Value = "Completed",
        Deferred = new TaskState()
                           Name = "Deferred",
                           Value = "Deferred",
        Canceled = new TaskState()
                           Name = "Canceled",
                           Value = "Canceled",


This pattern allows us to consume the class as if it were an enumeration:

var task = new Task()
                   State = TaskState.Pending,

if (task.State.CanTransitionTo(TaskState.Completed))
    // do something

We still have the flexibility of polymorphic instances. I’ve used this pattern several times with great effect in my software. I hope it benefits you as much as it has me.