Testable Component Design in Rust

I consider myself an advanced beginner in Rust. There is still much I’m wrapping my head around–and I still get caught off guard by the “move” and “mutability” rules Rust enforces. However, in keeping with my personal emphasis, I’ve devoted my efforts to learning how to create automated tests in Rust. The below guidelines are not exhaustive, but represent my learning so far. Feedback is welcome!

Engineering Values

  • Code should be clean.
  • Code should be covered by automated tests.
    • Tests should be relatively easy to write.
  • Dependencies should be configurable by the components that use them (see Depedency Inversion Principle and Ports & Adapters)

Achieving These Values in Rust Component Design

These are great engineering values, but how do we achieve them practically in Rust? Here are my thoughts so far.

Required for Unit Testing

  • The component should provide a stable contract composed of traits, structs, and enums.
  • Structs exposed in the contract layer should be easy to construct in a test.
  • All types exposed in the contract layer should implement derive(Clone, Debug) so that they can be easily mocked in tests.
    • This means that types like failure::Error should be converted to something that is cloneable.

Required for Configurable Dependencies

  • The contract layer should not reference any technology or framework unless it is specifically an extension for that technology or framework.


  • Every effort should be made to make the public api surface of your component as easy to use and understand as possible.
  • The contract layer should minimize the use of generics.
    • Obvious exceptions are Result<T> and Option<T>.
    • Concepts like PagedResult<T> that are ubiquitous can also be excepted.
    • Using type aliases to hide the generics does not qualify since the generic constraits still have to be understood and honored in a test.
    • In general this advice amounts to “generics are nice, but harder to understand than flat types. Use with care in public facing contracts.”
  • If a trait exposes a Future as a return result, it should offer a synchronous version of the same operation. This allows the client to opt-in to futures if they need them and ignore that complexity if they don’t.
    • I understand that the client can add the .wait() call to the end of a Future. My point is that an “opt-in” model is friendlier than an “opt-out” model.

Example Hypothetical Contract Surface

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Employee {
    id: String,
    type: String,
    status: String,
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String,
    address: String,
    city: String,
    birth_date: UTC,
    // snipped for brevity

struct PagedResponse<T> { // exposes a generic, but the reason is warranted.
    page_number: i32,
    page_size: i32,
    items: Vec<T>

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum MyComponentError {
    Error1(String), // If the context parameter is another struct, it must also derive Clone & Debug

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct EmployeesQuery {
    r#type: Option<String>,
    name: String, 
    types: Vec<String>, // matches any of the specified types,
    cities: Vec<String>, // matches any of the specified cities

type Result<T> : Result<T, MyComponentError>; // Component level Result. Type aliasing expected here.

trait EmployeeService {
    type Employees = PagedResponse<Employee>;

    // sync version of async_get()
    fn get(id: String) -> Result<Employee>{

    fn async_get(id: String) -> Future<Item = Employee, Error = MyCompomentError>;

    // sync version of async_query()
    fn query(query: Option<EmployeesQuery>) -> Employees {

    fn async_query(query: Option<EmployeesQuery>) -> Future<Item = Transactions, Error = MyCompomentError>;

    // etc...

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