ObservableCollectionHandler & ChangeTracker

When working with the ObservableCollection or INotifyCollectionChanged interface, it is common to see code like the following:

void OnCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
    switch (e.Action)
        case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:

        case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move:

        case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:

        case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:

        case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset:

There’s nothing particularly wrong with this code except that it’s kind of bulky, and that it starts to crop up all over your application. There’s another problem that’s not immediately obvious. The “Reset” action only gets fired when the ObservableCollection is cleared, but it’s eventargs does not contain the items that were removed from the collection. If your logic calls for processing removed items when they’re cleared, the built-in API offers you nothing. You have to do your own shadow copy of the collection so that you can respond to the Clear() correctly.

For that reason I wrote and added ObservableCollectionHandler to manage these events for you. It accepts three kinds of delegates for responding to changes in the source collection: ItemAdded, ItemRemoved, and ItemReplaced actions. (It would be easy to add ItemMoved as well, but I have seldom had a need for that so I coded the critical path first.) The handler maintains a shadow copy of the list so that the ItemRemoved delegates are called in response to the Clear() command.

public void OnItemAdded_ShouldPerformAction()
    // Arrange: Setup the test context
    int i = 0;
    var collection = new ObservableCollection<Employee>();
    var handler = new ObservableCollectionHandler<Employee>(collection)
        .OnItemAdded(e => i++);

    // Act: Perform the action under test
    collection.Add(new Employee());

    // Assert: Verify the results of the action.

Another common need with respect to ObservableCollections is the need to track which items were added, modified, and removed from the source collection. To facilitate this need I wrote the ChangeTracker class. ChangeTracker makes use of ObservableCollectionHandler to setup activities in response to changes in the source collection. ChangeTracker maintains a list of additions and removals from the source collection. It can also maintain a list of modified items assuming the items in the collection implement INotifyPropertyChanged.

Here is a sample unit test indicating it’s usage:

public void GetChanges_AfterAdd_ShouldReturnAddedItems()
    // Arrange: Setup the test context
    var source = new ObservableCollection<Employee>();
    var tracker = new ChangeTracker<Employee>(source);

    // Act: Perform the action under test
    var added = new Employee();

    // Assert: Verify the results of the action.
    var changes = tracker.GetChanges(ChangeType.All);

    var change = changes.First();

The full source code and unit tests can be found here.

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